Stress Relief: Under Duress! - full video1920 x 1080
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Lady Veronica

Stress Relief: Under Duress!

Lady Veronica is about to unleash hell on this guy to relieve her REAL life stresses. Her ex-husband has taken a toll on her and now it’s time to channel that anger. This poor guy, hired to take a beating, has no clue what he’s in for. To top it off, he actually resembles her ex. This has Veronica seeing RED! With every stressful recollection, her scissors seem to get tighter and tighter to the point that it’s no longer bearable. Lady Veronica is in prime shape and her runner’s legs can probably pop his little head if she squeezes too hard. This has him terrified and he’s no longer willing to go through with this. Unfortunately, he has no choice. Not only did she shackle his wrists together earlier for squirming too much, but she has no intention of releasing her stress ball until the hour is up. She puts him in a side reverse and squeezes so hard, he goes out. He then wakes up in a frenzy, still getting scissored mercilessly. He starts yelling “I quit!” repeatedly, begging for his life but Veronica just keeps squeezing HARDER! It becomes VERY INTENSE but she finally unlocks her ankles and lets him go. She leaves the room to get some water but don’t worry, she’ll be right back!

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