Janira Wolfe
Xenia Onatopp: Orgasmic Assassination
When Janira went from a blonde to a brunette, we knew that she would make a great Xenia Onatopp! She’s got a very sexual side, which ties in really well with her genuine pleasure to squeeze men between her thighs! In this yacht scene, the sexy Russian assassin starts by greeting the Admiral with a handstand scissor, which forces them both onto the bed. From there, she forces him in various other holds, facesits and plenty of split scissors. She smiles and moans while she grinds his face and neck, taking pleasure in his pain. When she locks her legs around his ribs, the Admiral is in immediate agony and yells out! She breaks his ribs in several places and as he slouches down, Xenia snags his neck with her thighs and BREAKS that too! We hope you enjoy this as much as she did because this is HOT!
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