Jenna Preston
Scissor SAW IV
In this 4th installment of our scissor version of the movie SAW, 2 men and only 1 woman find themselves tied up and locked in a dark room. The lights turn on, and a creepy voice tells them: “The last one to survive gets their freedom”. At first, the friends look at each other confused, but then both men decide to get rid of the girl first since she’s the easiest target…or so they thought. Jenna whips her legs apart, snapping the lock holding them together. She gets Jay in a headlock and Eric in a front headscissor. Furious that both men attacked her, she takes her anger out with her scissors, squeezing Eric so hard that he can no longer breathe. She then snaps his neck with her powerful thighs. Jenna pulls Jay into her most dangerous hold of all, the reverse. Her solid legs lock on so tight that his face turns purple, and he begins to panic. His hands are securely tied behind his back, so he’s at her total mercy. She then gets him in a figure-4, squeezes slowly and props herself up off the ground until she knocks him out! He wakes up still trapped between his friend’s strong, smooth thighs. She asks him if he has any last words, and he replies: “Give me a break”. With that, she SNAPS his neck like a twig. The door to the room unlocks, and she’s free to go. Never underestimate a woman even if she’s outnumbered!
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