Miss Jasmine
Ultimate Pain Game
Wearing sexy pink lingerie, cute pigtails and kick ass thigh high boots, you're about to see one of THE HOTTEST DOMINATRIX put her victim through the Ultimate Pain Game! The player will learn his pain tolerance real quick as the lovely Miss Jasmine breaks out some tricks. Starting with a tight reverse, he mustn't touch her legs, or she will lock his hands together. She then adds H.O.M. to her devastating scissors. Next, she breaks out the whip followed by belly punches. How much can he take? Miss Jasmine locks him in a reverse figure-4 then pulls on her stiletto until he gets knock'd out. And folks, it isn't over! When he wakes up, she then mixes it all up and nearly takes his life. Unbelievable! -
Miss Jasmine
Very Tight in These Jeans!
Miss Jasmine casually reminds her old friend Jay how she used to wrestle him in high school and kick his ass. Jay, however, remembers it quite differently and claims that he always won. So to settle the score, they agree to a rematch. Jasmine swiftly gets him in a headlock, then maneuvers herself into a standing headscissor. From there, she demands that he stands up. While on his shoulders, she holds onto his neck REAL tight with her jean clad thighs. Jasmine is relentless with her scissors and is determined to prove her point. After taking her top off and revealing her sexy bra, she knocks him out twice in a row with her tight reverse. Jay loses his pride and dignity all in the matter of minutes. But to his defense, those thighs are too much for any man to handle. -
Miss Jasmine
Scissor SAW II
Once again, two people find themselves tied up in a dark room. The light turns on and a voice tells them that only one of them can leave the room, implying that they have to fight each other to the end for their freedom. These two friends have different agendas. The male wants to escape together by helping one another, but the female would much rather go for the sure thing. She manages to find a key to unlock her ankles and, knowing how strong her legs are, she uses them to scissor her friend until his ultimate demise. She apologizes to him as she prevents him from breathing, but a girl's got to do what it takes to survive. She knocks him out 2 times before finally breaking his neck with her thighs. What a way to go! -
Miss Jasmine
Breath Play
The insanely hot Miss Jasmine is about to give Jay the fight of his life. After tying him up thoroughly, she takes complete control of his breath. Whether by airtight scissors or hand over mouth or even both, Jay's terrified reaction says it all. He screams and thrashes as he runs out of air while Jasmine smiles back, showing no remorse. She then ends his pathetic life with multiple neck breaks while suffocating him. -
Siren Thorn
Ninja Assassin
I pity anyone who becomes the target of the one they call Ninja Assassin. She is hired only by the wealthiest, the corrupt and most powerful clients because she is very sadistic and never fails to deliver. Her legs have been trained and sculpted into dangerous weapons ever since she was a very young girl. She was born an assassin, and may you pray you never feel the likes of her scissors. She knows every weak point in your neck and can break it in 5 different places with one quick SNAP!
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