Samantha Muscle
A Real Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman is soon to be featured in the movie Dawn of Justice, but many people are saying that the actress they chose is too skinny. The Amazon princess should have more MUSCLE! Well, who better than our new Fox Samantha Muscle? Aside from the hair color, this woman rocks it as Wonder Woman. Check out her audition tape as she demonstrates her unworldly power and crushes the prop actor between those amazing thighs of STEEL! Samantha is so strong that she accidentally knocks him out once (very quick) before tightening as hard as she can and knocking him again seconds after. We may need a new prop actor after this audition. I think we found our new Wonder Woman! -
Amyleen Moore
You Crush My Car, I Crush Your Neck!
Based on a true story. Amyleen did have a guy run into her car and had to postpone our shoot. So when she finally arranged a rental car to come and do videos soon after, she had a LOT of built-up rage. In this scenario, Amyleen was given false insurance information. She manages to track down this asshole and shows up at his house wearing tight fitted Dom gear, knowing full well someone was getting hurt. Needless to say, she completely destroys his neck like he did her car. She knocks his sorry ass out twice and steals his money to reimburse the damage. Now this is one girl you do NOT want to piss off! -
Princess Samantha
007: Scissor Galore
Scissor Galore is one of the hottest but most dangerous Bond villains yet. Don't let her supermodel look and sexy accent fool you. Her legs were genetically engineered to be 7 times stronger than the average man. She uses them to slowly crush her opponents, making sure they suffer long and hard. Once trapped in her inescapable grip, she enjoys watching them squirm as she squeezes harder and harder, flattening out their neck. Often, she'll accidentally knock them out before she gets to finish them. After waking up from his little nap, Scissor Galore stares at him with absolutely no remorse. She starts squeezing again. When she's finally satisfied with the amount of pain he's endured, she violently SNAPS her legs and breaks his little neck. Simply awesome! -
Poison Ivy’s Intoxicating Scissors!
Once again, it's time for Comicon and Nessie ramps it up this year as a super sexy Poison Ivy. Wow! She really looks great in that costume. Since she knows Jay won't want to come with her again, she cooked up an evil plan for him. Not only will she use her strong, crushing legs to persuade him, but she will also force him to wear a skin tight Black Widow costume. Jay obviously fights her on this, but he really doesn't stand a chance. After applying her special Poison Ivy Grapevine, she locks his neck tightly between her legs and starts dressing him. She then knocks him out in a reverse in order for him to start complying. That always seems to work. -
Princess Samantha
Star Wars Girls Kick Ass!
Princess Samantha is back, and she is HOTTER and STRONGER than ever! Just check out the definition in her legs. The first thing she told us is how she's been practicing her scissor holds and has made many men pass out. Well, she wasn't kidding. Her scissors rocked Jay's world! After hours of building her Lego Millennium Falcon, Jay pokes fun at her and starts playing with it. He then accidentally drops it, sending pieces flying everywhere. Samantha grabs him by the hair, throws him to the ground and locks on the tightest reverse headscissors, knocking him right out and doesn't stop squeezing. When he wakes up, he is tied up and still trapped between Samantha's angry thighs. She makes him pay BIG TIME with loads of panic and knocks him out again just to make a point. The force is STRONG with this one!
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