Siren Thorn
Xenia Onatopp: The Admiral’s Fatal End
We saved the best for last! Siren's last shoot was certainly her finest work yet, and her fans have showed their support. We were also flooded with requests for her to portray the famous Xenia Onatopp. Well, here it is. The moment you've all been waiting for. This admiral scene packs a lot in, including a reverse headscissor knockout, a body breaker and a scissor neck breaker that finishes him off. Siren looks as though she's really enjoying herself in this sexy recreation, and check out those leg muscles bulge in those sexy stockings. She's certainly been working out! Her scissors have never been so dangerous, and the admiral is in for a world of pain. Come witness another HOT addition to our Xenia Onatopp series. You won't regret it! -
Janira Wolfe
Xenia Onatopp: Orgasmic Assassination
When Janira went from a blonde to a brunette, we knew that she would make a great Xenia Onatopp! She's got a very sexual side, which ties in really well with her genuine pleasure to squeeze men between her thighs! In this yacht scene, the sexy Russian assassin starts by greeting the Admiral with a handstand scissor, which forces them both onto the bed. From there, she forces him in various other holds, facesits and plenty of split scissors. She smiles and moans while she grinds his face and neck, taking pleasure in his pain. When she locks her legs around his ribs, the Admiral is in immediate agony and yells out! She breaks his ribs in several places and as he slouches down, Xenia snags his neck with her thighs and BREAKS that too! We hope you enjoy this as much as she did because this is HOT! -
Raven Wild
Wonder Woman: Strong as 100 Men!
We knew the second we saw Raven body painted as Wonder Woman on her Instagram that we had to make this video, and we're happy as hell that we did! She is amazing as the Amazonian Princess, adding lots of charisma, attitude and don't forget POWER! As she mentions, she's as strong as 100 men, so you can just imagine the pressure between those muscular thighs. He didn't stand a chance once she got him in that reverse headscissor. As soon as put her butt cheeks into it, he was out like a light. He wakes up to find himself in a schoolgirl pin where Diana flexes and caresses her biceps, then applies some hand over mouth. She then knocks him out again with a rear naked choke. That beautiful smirk just shows how much she's enjoying showing this man who the stronger sex is. Finally, she stands above him, drives her foot into his throat and shows us once more her incredible superiority and strength as she flexes her muscles! What a Woman!! -
Raven Wild
Xenia Onatopp: Orgasmic Body Breaker!
The requests for the admiral scene with Raven have been pouring in, and she REALLY enjoys being this character. She admitted to us afterward that scissoring actually turns her on, especially front and reverse headscissors which I'm sure you can imagine why. If you thought her first Xenia video was orgasmic, wait until you see this one! She yells and moans with every thrust, giving it everything she's got! She even adds in a little hand over mouth. Her scissors are at full peak, making the admiral yell louder and louder, which only excites her more! She squeezes so hard that she accidentally knocks him out with a side reverse scissor. To top off this already amazing video, Xenia Onatopp finishes off the admiral in the famous bodyscissor scene by breaking all of his ribs numerous times. What a performance! -
Miss Jasmine
Xenia Onatopp: Bodyscissor Execution!
James Bond's sexiest and most intriguing adversary Xenia Onatopp is known for her freakishly strong bodyscissors. For the first time, we will actually show her take someone's life using her famous move. She snaps her legs together causing the initial rib crack, then constricts and grinds those broken bones together. The Admiral falls victim to her powerful legs as he slowly fades away, then finally collapses. This reenactment of the yacht scene from Goldeneye is more sensual than our previous adaptations. Miss Jasmine really seems to enjoy herself, breathing hard and moaning while crushing him. She also smothers him with her ass, riding his face and scratches his body with her nails. This ends with the iconic scene where she finishes off the Admiral with the bodyscissor rib breaker. We hope you enjoy our latest Xenia Onatopp video and feel free to leave us your feedback. -
Raven Wild
Pressure Gauge: Love 2 Knockout!
Our latest Fox is an ex-gymnast turned model and had never scissored before. Raven immediately fell in love with it after knocking Jay out in a practice squeeze. At first, she was very worried to seriously harm Jay as she's never squeezed anyone between her thighs but knew they had power. After watching Venus demonstrate a violent scissor and urging her not to worry about hurting Jay, Raven got down and put him in a reverse headscissor, slowly increasing the pressure. Before he knew it, he was OUT! She smiled from ear to ear and couldn't wait to learn more holds. You'll certainly notice in this Pressure Gauge just how excited she gets while scissoring. She holds nothing back, giving everything she's got, and loves watching him scream between her new-found weapons. She manages to get 2 knockouts, something she really loves doing now. The first is in a rear naked choke. By the way, her bodyscissors are just as brutal as her headscissors. The next KO happens in the last reverse. She cranks it up to 100% of her power and he didn't stand a chance. He goes completely out and Raven stands over him then strikes a very sexy victory pose. You're going to LOVE this girl! -
Jennifer Thomas
The Scissor Addict: Accidental Neck Break!
This the HOTTEST and MOST LETHAL version of Jennifer Thomas that you've ever seen! We can honestly say that this may be her best video yet! It has everything; a REAL KNOCKOUT, a NECK BREAKER, tons of extreme panic plus Jennifer in a latex DOM suit with thigh high silky stockings. We also told her to unleash her full power, and we don't think that Jay has ever been so scared in her grip. It's non-stop tapping, pinching and begging, and she doesn't let up...all true sign of a Scissor Addict. It all starts with Jennifer squeezing pillows in her hotel room. She then gets the brilliant idea of ordering bottled water through room service. Once he arrives, she invites him in, her pillow still flattened between her thighs. He's quite nervous and intimidated by her power and beauty. Jennifer liberates the pillow and pulls the hotel staff member towards her. Before he knows it, she has her muscular thighs wrapped around his head. Her smooth skin and silky thigh highs tighten up, and it's more than he can take. She shoves his head deep into her figure-4 and knocks the poor boy out. Oops! She hands him the bottled water, but seconds later, he finds himself on the floor with her feet stroking his neck. She yanks it down towards her crotch and snatches it. He yells for mercy, but she moves from one scissorhold to another, enjoying every moment. In fact, she enjoys herself so much that in the midst of scissoring him, she goes overboard and accidentally breaks his neck. "Not another one" she says as she proudly stands up and flexes over his body. -
Jenny Blaze
Penalty Sox: The Knockout Hat Trick!
Jenny knocked Jay out twice in a row in her first best-selling Penalty Sox video! This time, she goes for the Knockout Hat Trick! That's right! 3 REAL Knockouts just minutes apart! Jenny has always been freakishly strong and standing at 6 feet tall, her long legs really get a lot of leverage. While watching a hockey game, Jay convinces Jenny to bet on whose team would win. If she wins, he would have to buy her tickets to the next game. If he wins, he shyly requests (hoping his secret fetish gets fulfilled) for her to put him in a headscissor to see if he can escape. With a smile and a handshake, she accepts. Jay jumps for joy when his team scores the winning goal but without skipping a beat, Jenny throws him to the floor and locks onto his neck so tight, his face instantly turns purple! He's in BIG trouble now, as it looks like Jenny is on a mission to make him regret winning the bet. Unfortunately for Jay, there's no way out of their agreement, and he also failed to mention if knockouts were allowed. Jenny decides to add it in the fine print, knocking him out 3 times against his will! First in a side reverse, then in a figure-4 then thirdly with a reverse headscissor! Jenny Blaze controlled every one of them with precision, definitely earning that Knockout Hat Trick! -
Triple Knockout: 19 Year Old Girl vs Man!
You'd be a real IDIOT if you judged our new 19-year-old Fox Bella by her size! True story: After having a session girl cancel a shoot with us, we were lucky enough to recover by scheduling a last minute shoot with Bella. Based on her size, Jay thought that this would be an easy shoot. WRONG!!! When she practiced a few holds on him, he was blown away. How is this even possible? This 5'2" 115 lbs girl had stronger scissors than some of the bodybuilders we've worked with. Even before shooting this video, Bella wanted to practice her triangle choke, and he was knocked out within seconds. Don't worry, she does it again in this semi-comp match along with 2 other knockouts. She knocks him out with a reverse and a figure-4 headscissor, and they're quick but 100% REAL! Her bodyscissors, standing headscissors, sleeper hold to name a few are all devastating, and we can't believe how scared Jay was. She can be mean too! When he taps or pinches, she'll ignore it (which is how one knockout happened). She lets him up a couple of times, but before he has time to recover, she's all over him. This young girl has a bright future ahead of her, and if or when she decides to do sessions, we highly recommend that you find out just how strong she really is. -
Alexa Fire
Xenia Onatopp: The Admiral Scene
After such an amazing response from our last Xenia Onatopp video, we thought what better way to celebrate our 10th Year Anniversary than to do it again with another one of your favorite Foxes. Again, we wanted to do it right, and we decided to concentrate on only one scene and if you guys like it, we will do more like it and also try the other iconic scissor scenes. When we spoke to Alexa about doing this, she was super excited and even told us that she loves doing a Russian accent. Alexa totally looks the part, add in the evil sadistic laugh, the incredibly strong scissors and her obsession to scratch with her nails (which left some nasty marks) and we've got ourselves an awesome video! In her last move, she performs the famous scene where she crushes his body firmly between her strong thighs, slowly cracking his ribs. She then grabs his head with her hands and snaps his neck to finish him off. Let us know what you think of this video, as we hope to continue the journey of Xenia Onatopp. -
Shauna Ryanne
Scissor SAW V
It's that time of year again! Every Halloween, our Scissor SAW locks 2 or more people in a room and forces them to make a really tough choice. The only way you're getting out alive is if you're the last one breathing! Unfortunately for the males, they usually face a very strong leggy woman and in this case, the one and only Shauna Ryanne. She's known for her instant lights out scissors and incredible stamina, and even though she's been friends with Jay for years, she'd much rather live. They are both tied up and Shauna is looking sexy as hell in her sheer strappy outfit. While Jay is trying to convince her to stick together, Shauna breaks the lock binding her ankles with her powerful legs, then immediately wraps them around her soon-to-be ex-friend. Barely able to breathe, he tries to talk her out of it, but she's fully committed. Her thighs are really pumping that neck. She even goes for a crushing bodyscissors, but in the end, it's Shauna's reverse headscissor that does the job. She terminates her friend's life by breaking his neck and after a little remorse, she flees the scene to live another day. -
Sara Lips
Bedroom Battles Round 14
Just like her first video, this is as brutal, if not more. Sara completely destroys Jay to the point where we were worried about him again! Just listen to him gag frantically moments before he gets knocked out by an arm choke. Round after round, Sara manhandles him, pins him down or crushes him between her powerful thighs. He doesn't stand a chance! Sara is a perfect combination of beauty, strength and sadism. Wearing that sexy pink bikini and thigh high socks would have any man lining up to wrestle her but be warned, her scissors are on a whole other level. Jay withstood a LOT of pain in this Bedroom Battle, and we hope you all appreciate and enjoy it. Who knows how much longer he can do this for? Sara REALLY did a number on him. -
Tanya Steel
Canadian Girls Kick Ass 2016
Another Canada Day is among us, so we decided to hire one of the most lethal Canadian Foxes we've ever had on the site. Remember Tanya Steel's Pressure Gauge? Well, this is just as brutal, if not worse! She manages to Knock Jay out TWICE in this one! After performing her first handstand headscissor and clamping his neck between her ferocious thighs, his face becomes redder and redder, matching the Canadian flag. Her scissors are like compressors! She REALLY makes Jay scream and even adds hard belly slaps while he's helplessly trapped. The first time she knocks him out, you can tell he's really gone because she gives him one of those slaps on his bare belly, and he doesn't even flinch. Her figure-4 schoolgirl pin and rear naked choke are just a couple of her trademark moves. The desperation for air and relief is so hardcore! After telling him that she can easily pop his head off, she announces that she's going to knock him out again, which she undoubtedly does. His neck is cocked deep into her reverse, and she just clamps down until he's out! Tanya Steel does it again! Happy Canada Day! -
Jasmine Mendez
Piracy Police: Execution Day!
Jasmine Mendez is now on ScissorFoxes and this HOT Latina cop is out for revenge. When she found out that people are sharing her videos on the web for free, she was FURIOUS and couldn't wait to put someone between her strong thighs and SQUEEZE them to out of their misery! When we say strong thighs, we actually mean one of the most powerful scissors we have EVER experienced on our site. Jasmine's leg power is in a league of its own. Piracy is an ongoing battle for producers and takes away the funding needed to continue growing the business. Jasmine HATES losing money, and she's about to demonstrate it on some poor schmo who got caught posting her videos. The actual pain this guy endured is beyond words and shouldn't be legal. Luckily, she's a cop and gets away with anything. Her amazing ass engulfs his face when she sits on it, making him frantic for air. She also LOVES using her reverse headscissors. Officer Mendez will go as far as ignoring all of his tapping and pinching, forcing him to grab 2 big handfuls of her ass cheeks and spreading them apart as a last resort to try and breathe. Now that boy is TERRIFIED! She holds nothing back to prove her point, and eventually she breaks his neck between her legs. "Now that's how you deal with piracy!" she says. Don't be a fool. Support people like ourselves and Jasmine by purchasing videos and not sharing them. Your life may depend on it. -
Deadly Sin
Knocking Out The Boss
Sin loves her job, but her boss is a complete chauvinist pig. She always catches him glancing at her legs, but who can blame him. She does like wearing short skirts and showing them off. What really ticks her off is she received her annual review and only got a $1000 salary increase. After all she's done for her loser boss and his company, she decides to confront him. She tears up the review in front of him and as he tries to pick it up to explain his decision, Sin puts him in his place; right between the legs he admires. She LOVES squeezing men between her thighs! It really turns her on. She slowly starts peeling away her clothing and while she has him in a reverse headscissor, she hikes her skirt up so that he can see that he isn't the only hard ass in the office. She finally sticks him in the tightest figure-4 she's ever applied and forces him to add a zero to her raise. She then flexes her bulging calf muscle, cutting off his circulation until he's knocked out good. From now on, he'll know who the real boss is around the office. (Note: This video was previously sold on Sin's Clips4sale store, which is no longer active.) -
Bedroom Battles Round 12
You guys love them bedroom battles and this one will be in your top favorites for sure! Aiden not only out-wrestles Jay with some over the top scissors, she knocks him out with a figure-4 then grabs another victim who was only spectating and wasn't even supposed to be in this video and kicks his ass too! After totally destroying him, she kicks him off the bed and grabs Jay again to put him to rest once more, this time in a classic headscissor. Aiden's scissors are ferocious and has both men tapping like their lives depended on it. At one point, Jay's on his knees, and she's over his shoulders, clamping down a tight scissor when her legs suddenly lock around his neck with a figure-4 as she wraps her arms around his body while she's upside down. This is something straight out of those Anime cartoons! One of our most popular Foxes in one of our most popular video series. Get ready for some FAST, FURIOUS, BEDROOM BATTLE ACTION!!!
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