Deadly Sin
Assassin’s Greed
The #1 person you do not want to owe money to is an assassin. This particular assassin takes joy in taking lives with her thighs. The moment she has you in her grip, it’s GAME OVER! This schmuck has the balls to stiff Sin on her pay, but she doesn’t hesitate to rectify this problem by doing what she does best…SQUEEEEZE the money out of him! At first, she toys with her prey, squeezing various body parts, stretching him out in a grapevine and even blocking his mouth and nose, making his breathing no longer an option. There’s a fee for being late on a payment and every time he hesitates, she doubles it! After all, what can he do? She’s got him right where she wants him. He can no longer handle the pressure and finally cuts her a check for 3 million. After handing it over, Sin thanks him with a scissor Neck Breaker!
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