Maxine Striker
MMA Class: Fastest Knockout!
Only 30 seconds into this video and Maxine knocks Jay right out with a guillotine. This is the fastest KO that we’ve ever seen from the start and the first ever in this hold. Within 4 seconds of applying the guillotine, Jay’s limp body flops down to the floor. Everyone was in shock including Venus, our camera woman. Jay took a little while to stabilize himself but then continued with his wrestling lesson. She took no mercy on him as she applied various holds, ordering him to try and escape but those legs of steel are unmovable. Every time she locks on and squeezes, it takes everything in him to try and survive. After she removes her green leggings, you’ll notice the incredible definition in her legs. You know once those are wrapped around your neck, you’re in BIG trouble! She finishes the class with another reverse but this time, she gives it everything she’s got until he goes out again. He finally regains consciousness while Maxine shows off her muscles in a victory pose. Who’s next?
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