Bianca Blance
Welcome To The Scissor Cruise
Welcome to the Scissor Cruise, where Bianca actually persuaded a french gentleman onboard to go back to his cabin and wrestle her. Can you imagine if this happened to you? This guy had no clue what he was in for. They start off with some friendly semi-comp wrestling where he does everything in his power to avoid being wrapped up in her legs. Very smart move on his part. She does manage to get him in a bodyscissor which is actually very reminiscent to the Xenia Onatopp yacht scene with the admiral. She then catches him in a front headscissor before ending their match and moving onto phase 2. Now Bianca gets to show him what it feels like to be totally dominated by a woman and feel completely helpless. She traps him in a reverse headscissor and shows this newbie no mercy. She has him tapping so hard, but she just keeps squeezing, making sure he gets the full Bianca experience. After terrorizing this poor man, she’s determined to knock him out. She manages to do so, but she’s still not completely satisfied. While he’s still dizzy, she puts him back in her reverse and applies so much pressure that she ends up breaking his neck. Bianca is not surprised and is actually ready to search the ship for another victim. What happens on the Scissor Cruise, stays on the Scissor Cruise. Would you like to come onboard? Bianca’s lethal thighs are waiting.
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