Goddess Severa
When Amazons Rule The World
It’s not a matter of ‘IF’, it’s a matter of ‘WHEN’. Women are becoming bigger, fitter and much stronger. Their legs in particular have developed into lethal weapons, which are now used to crush and manipulate men. Goddess Severa is a true testament to this new world order and explains how an Amazon like herself use men for her own servitude and pleasure. They will be slaves to women. It’s time for men to get used to the idea of serving the Superior sex. Those who deny it will probably end up in their anaconda grip until they comply. Watch Goddess Severa constrict her slave between her LOOOOONG legs. He is very compliant to his new Master. She makes it very clear what will happen if he tries to fight back. She can easily pop his head off with her thighs. This is just a taste of WHEN Amazons Rule The World!
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