Xenia Onatopp: Bond vs Amazon
This Xenia sauna scene could very well be our best one yet! Damazonia steps into this role seamlessly, capturing the character’s addiction of breaking men between her powerful thighs. Not only is her accent incredibly sexy, but she also incorporates various Russian slurs throughout, making it feel even more authentic. This video has a lot of fast-paced action, but has moments of scissor seduction. She gets very creative and at one point, she removes the belt from her robe and tightly wraps it around his neck while scissoring his body. Bond manages to subdue her for a quick moment, but Xenia only seems to enjoy it. Seconds later, she bucks him off and applies a bodyscissor from on top (one we’ve never seen on our site before). This video has more bodyscissors than usual, and you will hear multiple ribs cracking throughout. After turning his rib cage into mush, she knocks him out 3 times with headscissors! The first 2 are great but fairly quick. The grand finale is where she holds him in a reverse headscissor and slowly constricts her thighs until he drifts into a deep sleep. Her sexual pleasure from doing this shines through as she bursts out laughing in pure ecstasy. Be prepared as this Xenia sauna scene is EXTRA HOT!
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