Sugar Diamond
Shock Collar: Beyond Scared!
This video was incredibly hard to make. It's been almost 4 years since we last worked with Sugar Diamond, and she was shockingly strong back then. Well get ready because she's even more jacked and much stronger now, which is why this video makes it in ScissorFoxes' top 10 most extreme of all time! It's pretty rare for Jay to cut midway through filming, and he does his best to endure the squeezing, but Sugar Diamond was way too much for him to handle. He had to stop the video 4 times, which is a new record! His head looks so tiny in those massive muscular thighs, and his desperate pleas go unheard. Sugar takes our Shock Collar to the next level, squeezing hard until he has no choice but to try and pry her legs for air. This then makes her squeeze harder, thus the shock therapy, and sets him into a panic frenzy. His reactions say it all. No man can survive what this woman can dish out. There are also 2 knockouts in this video. The first is in a figure-4 headscissor and just pay attention on how huge her calves are. They're in a league of their own. The second knockout is quite entertaining as Sugar pretends to end the video and then decides to give him one last blast of Diamond power. She puts him in a crazy tight reverse and counts down until he's out! This video will certainly shock and entertain you, and don't worry, there's plenty more Sugar coming your way. -
Siren Thorn
ConTRAPtion 4
Our ConTRAPtion videos are getting more extreme as we go. Siren Thorn goes all out sadistic, pushing Jay far passed his limits all while he's completely attached to her weighted contraption. With a total of 4 knockouts including a back-to-back Figure-4 KO at the end, you may even start feeling bad for Jay after everything she puts him through. It's 10 minutes of Scissor Hell for him but she's loving every second of it. She also looks incredibly sexy in that red leotard and netted high heels. You'll also notice that her legs are more muscular than ever before and her scissors can pinch your air ways. Speaking of air, this video also includes plenty of H.O.M. for you fans out there. You can tell how much he suffers by the way he struggles to breathe, even gurgling at times. This video is no joke and one of our most intense ones yet. When Siren Thorn wants to invoke the fear of God in her victims, she's more than capable and extremely happy to do it. This is one you don't want to miss! -
Tyler Dare
Mistress in Charge 2
Tyler manages to get her boss to hang out after work and come to her place. He has no idea what's in store for him. You see, he's been taking advantage of her and making her work twice as hard for half the pay. Well things are about to change! Tyler steps out of the room for a moment and comes back wearing a very sexy latex leotard and sheer knee high boots. WOW! Her boss is in shock and has never imagined in a thousand years that he'd see this side of Tyler. Her thigh muscles are just bulging as she walks over to him. Now the fun begins as Tyler demonstrates just how qualified she really is. She locks his puny neck between her muscular legs and reminds him of his terrible behavior at work. She then starts with some demands such as more pay and vacation time but she's squeezing him so tight that he can't even respond. Instead, she tells him to tap if he agrees which is pretty much a guarantee since she'll only squeeze harder if he doesn't. During this bargaining process, Tyler actually knocks him out twice (almost a 3rd time) by accident. At one point, the poor guy is actually shaking. She takes a little pity on him but then it's back to the negotiations. By the end, Tyler gets what everything she wants and you better believe her boss will be treating her with a lot more respect at work. Otherwise, another reminder may be required. -
Maxine Striker
Nurse Lockdown
No matter how you feel about this pandemic, whether you're an anti-masker or believe that it's a big conspiracy, we can all agree that this would be the best way for our nurses to handle a lockdown. Maxine makes sure that she gets her point across by giving her patient a glimpse of how it feels to have Covid. The main symptom is a hard time breathing which she gladly demonstrates by wrapping her muscular legs around his neck and squeezing until he can no longer breathe. Just watch how tight she gets those scissorholds! It's to the point that he's wheezing and can barely get any air at all. She just cranks on that neck and continues to add more and more pressure until he agrees to wear a mask and get tested. This nurse always gets her patients to come around and certainly deserves a raise. Are you convinced yet or will you be needing this nurse's assistance? -
The Knockout Waiver 9
OMG! Get ready for Jayde's most brutal video yet! With 4 knockouts, her thighs have never looked so lethal. We must say, all of our local models have really stepped it up during this last round of shoots and Jayde is proof of that. She admitted that during this pandemic lockdown, she's been training her legs really hard and it shows. She was more than excited to demonstrate her knockout power and really liked the idea of this waiver which allows her to do as many knockouts as she wants guilt-free. Once Jay's wrists and ankles are locked up, it was time to make him regret signing that contract. Jayde gets quite the kick out of the reactions she gets when she applies the pressure, especially when he starts begging to be released. It's too bad because Jayde legally can do anything she wants to him, and she does. Just watch as her quads bursts every time she props herself up and applies more pressure. Before every knockout, Jayde warns him that it's coming and with total precision, she flexes all the right muscles until he goes to sleep. She even holds it a little longer to make sure he's long gone every time. Jayde may have enjoyed this a little too much and we're positive that you will to. -
Deadly Sin
Bossy Bitch! (Remastered)
This is Deadly Sin's debut video and still one of our best sellers. Sure, having a smoking hot secretary like Sin has its perks but don't ever get on her bad side. One late night at the office, she decides to show her ignorant boss who's REALLY in charge. She ties him up and dominates him with her lethal scissors. Once she has him deep within her thighs, he has no choice but to obey her every command. Not complying will only result in getting knocked out between her incredibly tight reverse. You can actually see her glutes activate and constrict her prey as she slowly puts him to sleep. With a supermodel body and a sexy devious smile, we can see why she's a favorite.
Now in 1080p!
Original Release Date: Feb-01-2011 -
ConTRAPtion 3
Our new ConTRAPtion series is quickly becoming a fan favorite and each one gets more ruthless than the last. This one takes the cake and is definitely one of our top 10 most brutal videos of all time! Firestorm unleashes HELL right out of the gate, knocking him out within 20 seconds into the video. She accidentally holds him under for a long 15 seconds before Venus, our camera girl, lets her know that he's WAY out! She finally lets him go and after spazzing out and before he gets a chance to get fully orientated, Firestorm puts him right back where they left off. Her dancer's legs have a mean grip and hold a steady pressure which barely allow Jay to breathe the entire time. Watch him struggle as he thrashes around, not knowing what to do. His wrists and ankles are locked to the weight machine, and although he can pull his arms close to her legs, he'd need a crowbar to pry those pillars apart. After a few more minutes, she knocks him out again in a figure-4 and Venus had to intervene, making sure that he's left with some braincells. Another harsh recovery but Firestorm quickly puts him back in a reverse and doesn't hold back. He pleads that he can't breathe but she just squeezes harder. She locks on tight and gives him a final countdown before putting him to sleep for one last time. All 3 KOs are very intense so get ready to be blown away! Firestorm is considering doing sessions so keep checking our website for updates. The question is, can you handle it? -
Siren Thorn
The Knockout Waiver 8
The Knockout Waiver is quickly becoming one of our most dangerous yet most popular series and we can see why. The models quite enjoy it too as they get to do whatever they want for 10 minutes while their victim is helplessly tied up. There's no tapping, no safe word and too many knockouts is not even in the vocabulary. This new batch of Siren Thorn videos is definitely the most extreme as she has certainly increased her scissor strength and reduced her empathy for her victim. Starting out with The Knockout Waiver, Siren delivers 3 knockouts and a few other close calls. She also raises his panic level to his maximum, watching him flail and beg while laughing at his situation. "You signed the contract" she reminds him and continues to make him regret it. Many people fantasize about doing this type of session but when the time comes, they typically back out and no one understands more than Jay, who really puts himself in danger for our fans. It can be a lot easier to watch someone else go through with it than to stick your own neck out there so enjoy and recreate at your own risk! -
Scissor Challenge 278
When executed correctly, the figure-4 headscissor is one of the most dangerous of all scissors. Jayde has perfected her technique and with her bulging calf muscle, you're about to witness Jay panic like never before. The struggle is real and his battle for oxygen is nearly impossible as Jayde keeps her legs constricted like a boa. His neck is engulfed in her muscular legs and his only chance at not being KO'd by his sister-in-law is to escape. Unfortunately, every time he pries at her legs, the grip keeps getting tighter. Jayde is quite amused by his attempts and loves to see his head turn purple when she props herself off of the ground. Time's up! He is now about to go for a nap as Jayde regrips, tucking his neck deep into her knee pit and knocks him out really good. This actually may be one of the most intense knockouts by figure-4 that we've had on the site. While he's still out, Jayde grazes his face with her butt, almost as if to make him kiss it and then strikes a victory pose as he slowly wakes up from her crazy KO! -
Get ready for Jayde's HOTTEST video yet! We've shot so many with her that we had to get creative. Jayde came up with an idea that blew us all away. Based on the prison scene in an old movie called "Three Amigos", the prisoner is cuffed to a contraption with pulleys and weights. The only way that he could escape is to pull himself and the weights to freedom. Similarly, Jayde chains her brother-in-law to the pulleys of their home gym. He's tasked to not only fight against the weights but once his hands gets close enough, he must use additional strength to pry Jayde's legs apart. Speaking of legs, that outfit and those shoes make her look incredibly sexy and her legs look long and strong! She applies a few various headscissors, taunting him to try and escape then reminds him what she likes to do at the end of all of her videos. She locks him in a tight reverse headscissor, flexes her muscular legs and knocks him completely out. Jayde then puts her foot and his throat and informs him that she'll be back. Let's hope so :) -
Cali Kobra
Live Instagram Session
Here's another HOT custom video that we know you'll love. We typically don't do them unless the request is something we think the rest of our fans will really like and the customer is easy to deal with. This idea has a great spin on what we typically do. Plus, Cali Kobra has never looked better sporting that red thong bikini and black pumps. So Cali sets up a live Instagram stream to show her fans a real session with her. She blows a kiss to her fans then begins her beatdown. She sweeps him to the ground followed by multiple kicks to the ribs. She then gets him in a schoolgirl pin where she pushes his limits with some breath play HOM. Now it's time to show off the leg power! Cali locks him between her thighs, making him gasp for her fans. They are absolutely cheering her on. She edges him, nearly knocking him out a few times but would rather take requests from her audience. She looks at her laptop and someone asks her to break his ribs. "What the audience wants, the audience gets!" she says. Ignoring his pleas, she snaps her thighs shut around his torso, cracking multiple ribs. He's in excruciating pain but the next request shocks the Hell out of him. The fan asks her to break his neck. Cali grins and starts teasing him, even pretending to snap his neck but stops at the last second. With her victim mentally & physically broken down, she finally fulfills the fan's request and gives an ultimate onslaught of neck breaks. 1, 2 and 3 for good luck! Cali rises, putting her heel on his chest and asks: "Who wants to be my next Instagram Victim?" -
Domina Ava Savage
The Knockout Waiver 4
This insane video contains 6 freaking KNOCKOUTS!!! To be fair, Domina Ava did warn us that not only is she great at doing knockouts, but she absolutely LOVES doing them. As much as Jay thought he was prepared, he really wasn't. Once Ava got going, she became real SAVAGE and started knocking him out back to back, each one more intense than the last! What started as signing a simple waiver, allowing her to lock him up and do whatever she pleases, ends up being a Scissor Hell. Her top-notch physique proves to be extremely dangerous when given the opportunity. After the first quick KO with a sleeper hold, she plants her high heel on his chest and says "Look at these big thick thighs" and the rest is one big blur for Jay. With every scissorhold, Ava made sure he'd go out, all while laughing and enjoying herself. It's a knockout rollercoaster and Jay is strapped in for the ride of his life! It starts with a reverse headscissor, then a reverse figure-4 followed by a regular figure-4, then a front and finally a reverse side scissor. As mentioned before, every knockout gets more and more intense! Finally, Ava decides to stop her reign of terror and reward him with a booty dance, which she does while doing the splits on his neck. She calls her cheeks the "Savages" then flexes her biceps. This is beyond brutal and highly entertaining! Don't miss out! -
Electra Steel
Escape or Neck Break 5
Jay has 10 minutes to escape his shackles and most importantly, Electra's thighs of Steel! Failure to do so will lead to his ultimate demise. Her muscle-bound legs create havoc on his neck as she flexes and squeezes, making this challenge virtually impossible. Jay jolts his neck back, trying to break free from her steel grip, but Electra is determined to break his neck and has his head on lock down. She also makes use of her long high heels as leverage in some of her scissor holds. As you can see by the expression on his face, it's very effective. Despite his efforts, his time is up. Electra winds up and snaps his neck in a reverse headscissor as promised. Truth is, he never stood a chance. -
Sadie Rose
Candy Cane Pain 3
Sadie walks into the room wearing and extremely sexy Santa outfit. As the tradition goes, each year they get to open one gift on Christmas eve. Sadie goes first and is shocked to find out that her boyfriend got her Swiffer dusting refills. Now it's time for his gift and he's definitely not going to like it. Sadie wraps her long strong legs around his neck so tightly, he's practically in tears. She's completely furious but luckily, crushing her stupid boyfriend is quickly cheering her up. She smacks him around with her candy cane decoration and then snatches him back between her dangerous legs. Now that's how you wrap a gift! Pay close attention to the figure-4 headscissor and you'll see that he's out for a long time before she notices it and finally lets him go. Her scissors are some of the strongest ever so this is the wrong woman you want to upset. Finally, she figures out the perfect way that her boyfriend can make it up to her. He has to remain locked between her scissors for the entire night while she watches her favorite Christmas movies. If you're good, maybe someday you'll be lucky enough to have Sadie squeeze you all night long. Now that's a very Merry Christmas!
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